The Storyals Product Guide

Does your organization have Microsoft 365?

Storyals training is currently available only for Microsoft 365.

How many people are you looking to train?

Storyals is designed for organizations with a minimum of 20 users. Contact us if you are looking for training for a smaller team.

Are you looking for e-learning, instructorled training or a combination of both?

Storyals offers a combination of e-learning and instructor-led training, for the most costeffective and impactful results. Learn more about what Storyals training is all about here or contact us directly.

What system would you like to use for the training?

Select your user range.

Webinar: On-boarding Employees in the Hybrid Workplace

Event Date: 
13th June, 2024 - In English

This webinar is now available on-demand. Watch it here.

In a hybrid world onboarding of new employees is crucial and can make or break the success of a new hire. So how do you ensure that your new employees feel welcome, connected, and productive in a hybrid work environment?

 In many ways, working digitally is like learning a new language.  What digital channels do we communicate in? What are our “house rules” for communicating and collaborating in our digital platforms? 

At Storyals, we have been onboarding new employees remotely for years, and we have learned some best practices along the way. In this webinar, we will share with you our 5 key steps for how to succeed with employee onboarding in a hybrid workplace.


In this webinar, Storyals CEO, Ulrika Hedlund and guest speaker Henrik Fontin, Sr. HR & Communications Advisor, will guide you through how to provide new employees with a great on-boarding experience in a hybrid workplace.

They will show you how to integrate smart productivity apps like Microsoft Planner, Teams and To-Do into your on-boarding plan, and how to effectively train new employees using LMS365 / Learn365


  • Intro: Why the hybrid workplace is like learning a new language!
  • How to use modern apps to streamline employee onboarding?
  • Key steps to a successful hybrid onboarding 
  • Discuss & Share Best Practices 

If you would like to know more about onboarding before the webinar, we recommend you read our blog 5 key steps onboarding employees in the hybrid workplace


Webinar logos




Ulrika Hedlund, CEO of Storyals

Ulrika Hedlund

CEO & Productivity Expert

Ulrika is an internationally recognized expert on productivity, modern digital work and Microsoft 365. Ulrika has authored numerous training courses, is a frequent keynote speaker and is supporting corporations around the world in their digital transformation. She is identified as a top technology visionary and selected a trusted advisor to Microsoft as part of their Regional Director Program.

Henrik Fontin - Circle 2

Henrik Fontin

Sr. HR & Communications Advisor

Over 15 years, Henrik has led across markets and industries, excelling in people management, operations, and driving transformations. His sharp business mind, communication skills, and vast network deliver results. Henrik's leadership experience spans HR and communication, where he fosters positive cultures, strong stakeholder relationships, and unified goals.

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