The Storyals Product Guide

Does your organization have Microsoft 365?

Storyals training is currently available only for Microsoft 365.

How many people are you looking to train?

Storyals is designed for organizations with a minimum of 20 users. Contact us if you are looking for training for a smaller team.

Are you looking for e-learning, instructorled training or a combination of both?

Storyals offers a combination of e-learning and instructor-led training, for the most costeffective and impactful results. Learn more about what Storyals training is all about here or contact us directly.

What system would you like to use for the training?

Select your user range.

Storyals at Microsoft Inspire 2018

20 Jul 2018

This week, thousands of Microsoft employees and partners from all over the world gathered in Las Vegas. For the first time, Microsoft’s internal conference called “Microsoft Ready” and Microsoft’s partner conference “Microsoft Inspire” was held at the same place at the same time. On Wednesday, July 18th, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, held a shared keynote to tens of thousands of employees and partners in the T-Mobile arena.


Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella during the keynote at Inspire 2018


Satya shared Microsoft’s key focus areas and strategy moving forward. He did a cool on-stage demonstration of how he uses Outlook (his “open loop”), Teams (his “inner loop”) and Yammer (his “outer” loop) to stay connected and communicate. We were also given a glimpse of the workplace of the future.  With the help of mixed reality, we will be able to have meetings with people located in other locations, as if we were physically in the same room, seeing them projected in the seat beside us.


One of the things a lot of people (including myself) took to heart, was what Satya said he told students who were exploring future employers, “If you want to be cool, go somewhere else. If you want to make others cool, join Microsoft.”


Our new CEO of Storyals USA, Julianne Hemingway and I, attended the event to meet with Microsoft product teams and partners. In the LinkedIn “Elevator booth” you can hear us do a “pitch” to partners about Storyals. If you didn’t get a chance to meet up with us please feel free to connect with us. You can reach Julianne and me, Ulrika via LinkedIn. We are specifically looking for Microsoft partners that are FastTrack ready, or that work actively with Office 365 adoption.



Have a great summer and we look forward to connecting with more of you soon!
Sincerely, Ulrika

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