The Storyals Product Guide

Does your organization have Microsoft 365?

Storyals training is currently available only for Microsoft 365.

How many people are you looking to train?

Storyals is designed for organizations with a minimum of 20 users. Contact us if you are looking for training for a smaller team.

Are you looking for e-learning, instructorled training or a combination of both?

Storyals offers a combination of e-learning and instructor-led training, for the most costeffective and impactful results. Learn more about what Storyals training is all about here or contact us directly.

What system would you like to use for the training?

Select your user range.

Swedish EdTech startup builds digital muscles through storytelling

23 Feb 2021

Specialized in adoption and change management, Storyals helps companies and organizations build digital skills through storytelling. As a Microsoft Gold Partner, with global expertise and a unique concept, Storyals turns traditional learning formats upside down and helps organizations work smarter.

In many ways, the future workplace is already here. Companies and organizations have been forced to switch to remote work and the digital workplace is a reality for most people.

– It’s important to take advantage of the huge upswing we’ve seen in digital adoption under 2020 and to further develop the digital working methods, says Ulrika Hedlund, Productivity Expert and founder of Storyals. Organizations have taken a huge leap forward when it comes to digital meetings. People have quickly adapted to tools such as Microsoft Teams and Zoom to communicate digitally, she continues.


Svenska Dagbladet Article | © Storyals


New ways of working

Digital meetings are just the tip of the iceberg. The big win comes when you start using modern digital working methods in its full capacity. When files are saved in the cloud and you work simultaneously in a shared document, when notes are taken digitally, and when you replace email with more effective forms of internal communication. Many organizations invest large amounts in Microsoft 365, without getting maximum value as users often are stuck in old habits. Responsibility of driving adoption and building digital skills often fall through the cracks in organizational structures, as it’s not regarded a clear task for neither IT nor HR. In the end, it has severe consequences for both the productivity and the profitability of the organization. To succeed in building digital skills, the issue must be escalated to top management and involve the entire organization.


International team spread across four continents

Storyals provides a unique solution for digital adoption and building digital skills within Microsoft 365, and the company is growing fast. It consists of a multicultural team spread across four continents. With the headquarters in Stockholm, they work internationally with customers all over the world.

– We live what we teach! Hareer Fadhl bursts out with a smile. She is a Media Producer at Storyals. Even though we’re all in different parts of the world, we work closely together online. Our digital office is in Microsoft Teams. All meetings are held there, documents are shared via SharePoint and the social conversations take place in a special Teams channel, so everyone feels included. It works great!



Groundbreaking concept

Storyals groundbreaking learning concept provides organizations with story-based tutorials, continuously updated to keep up with the ever-changing reality of Microsoft 365. The videos are short, between 10-15 minutes, so that users can absorb the knowledge alongside their ordinary work and immediately apply it, so-called micro-learning.


What also makes us stand out in the market is our way of explaining tech so that people understand, says Ulrika. Our concept is built on storytelling and real-life scenarios, where the digital tools are used in a relevant context. We use analogs and illustrations to explain how to use the different tools effectively in everyday work tasks.


The key to success is spelled digital leadership

Storyals emphasizes the importance of digital leadership, meaning managers and other key people in the organization must fully support the digital transformation and act as role models. They need to know how to hold engaging meetings online, how to communicate effectively and distribute tasks digitally.

– Unfortunately, there are no shortcuts when it comes to digital adoption, says Pia Langenkrans, Adoption Expert at Storyals. It’s all about creating a culture of continuous learning. And we have a wide range of services to help with this – everything from 1-1 coaching, digital gyms and bootcamps to help our customers get started properly, she continues.

– Just as you must exercise to maintain good health, it’s important to build digital muscles to manage and appreciate today’s modern tools. We’re passionate about communicating our expertise and the positive effects that these new digital ways of working bring us, Ulrika concludes.


The article was published in one of the major Swedish newspapers on the theme Future Workplace, 23 February, 2021.


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