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Webinar: Put your Copilot agents into action

Event Date: 
22nd January, 2025 - In English

This webinar is now available on-demand 

Up until now, we've been leveraging Microsoft 365 Copilot to gain insights, boost creativity, and speed up our work. But what's on the horizon? In the next wave of productivity enhancements, Microsoft envisions a future where we have agents actively doing tasks for you. Imagine if you could outsource some of the tasks you do on an on-going basis to a Copilot agent?  Amazing, scary, or mixed feelings about the unknown?

In this webinar, we have invited Charlotte Törner Bergius, Microsoft's Copilot Technical Specialist, to an insightful conversation with Storyals CEO and Productivity Expert Ulrika Hedlund about the next wave of productivity using Microsoft 365 Copilot agents.

This webinar is for Digital Workplace Managers and Technical Decision Makers to better understand how to prepare their organizations for Copilot Agents.

Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to join the conversation.

  • Copilot Agents
  • Copilot Actions
  • Real life scenarios
  • Challenges and best practices
  • Q&A


Storyals + Microsoft


Learn from the Experts

Ulrika Hedlund, CEO of Storyals

Ulrika Hedlund

CEO & Productivity Expert

Ulrika is an internationally recognized expert on productivity, modern digital work and Microsoft 365. Ulrika has authored numerous training courses, is a frequent keynote speaker and is supporting corporations around the world in their digital transformation. She is identified as a top technology visionary and selected a trusted advisor to Microsoft as part of their Regional Director Program.

Round Charlotte Törner Bergius (Small)

Charlotte Törner Bergius

Copilot Technical Specialist

Charlotte is a dedicated Technical Specialist at Microsoft, focusing on Modern Work and M365 Copilot. With a practical approach, Charlotte helps organizations streamline their processes and improve efficiency through Copilot. Charlotte's role is all about making technology work for people, ensuring they can focus on what truly matters by helping organizations understand the underlying technology of M365 Copilot and the user experience. She is passionate about helping teams adopt new technologies and making their work lives easier.

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